New Trier Township High School District 203

Northfield and Winnetka, IL

New Trier High School is ranked #2 in “Best places to teach in Illinois” and 97% of teachers have earned a master’s degree or higher. The school has a reputation for academic excellence, a commitment to serving the needs of every student, and an extraordinary extracurricular program. With an enrollment of 3,743 students, the average class size is 22 students and there is a 13:1 overall student/teacher ratio. Approximately 97% of New Trier’s Class of 2022 enrolled in college. And 410 of 984 seniors were named Illinois State Scholars. New teachers are supported through a comprehensive four-year mentoring program that provides an introduction to the New Trier culture, encourages experimentation with new instructional strategies, promotes critical thinking and civil discourse as well as best practices in grading and evaluation.